South Africa eBay Sellers

Top eBay sellers from South Africa, updated on April 25th. 34 sellers from South Africa sell on eBay. eBay is a global marketplace with sellers from all countries in the world, this showcases eBay’s economic impact across the globe. South Africa is one of those countries.

Seller rank is based on the number of seller ratings received during the last 30 days compared to other sellers from South Africa.

Rank Seller 30 Day Ratings Lifetime Ratings
1 sahotrocks 103 18,450
2 samineralshop 88 3,378
3 chapter1rsa 21 1,556
4 funkybazarcrystals 19 595
5 m66l 15 7,085
6 capetownshipslides 13 9,799
7 opticxchange 8 4,599
8 vfcamerashop 7 2,379
9 itemofafrica 7 2,815
10 walterw2004 6 775
11 aggoodies 5 432
12 allejorgense7 4 1,850
13 christo7108 4 6,829
14 capephilsa 3 1,849
15 mediherb40 2 2,289
16 southerndaisy 1 695
17 lbonline 1 797