Belgium eBay Sellers

Top eBay sellers from Belgium, updated on April 25th. 1,000+ sellers from Belgium sell on eBay. eBay is a global marketplace with sellers from all countries in the world, this showcases eBay’s economic impact across the globe. Belgium is one of those countries.

Seller rank is based on the number of seller ratings received during the last 30 days compared to other sellers from Belgium.

Rank Seller 30 Day Ratings Lifetime Ratings
1 antverpiastamps 5,657 1,117,221
2 matthijs_philatelie 3,999 2,803,833
3 posimaro 972 236,710
4 filkomstamps 970 330,757
5 stamp-sales 828 115,726
6 intermunt 645 93,694
7 e-phila 596 158,011
8 crainsmilitaria 433 44,513
9 matthijs_philatelie_big_lots 402 72,162
10 la_philatelie_internationale 293 72,556
11 lebaronrouge 218 19,023
12 bdurango-bxl 216 8,931
13 l_p_i 215 24,491
14 francoisx 182 55,699
15 erkamunt 177 21,571
16 choose-a-brick 171 42,784
17 stevegeerken_0 163 9,525
18 lathphil0 161 37,032
19 guicar1 128 6,985
20 oxi2107 126 31,273
21 apple-juices 118 15,134
22 cejunito 117 25,535
23 mikefox115 110 9,508
24 fila.munt 107 22,153
25 sigarenbandenfreak 105 35,155
26 mfr72 99 58,721
27 fil068 96 21,878
28 osim48 93 13,623
29 chrisnico2022 90 1,367
30 karientje72 89 15,462
31 labelleva 87 3,029
32 fonorama 83 59,495
33 humor0704 82 754
34 jewels-watchescompany 82 8,630
35 sonnyolivier 80 5,779
36 victor5735 80 17,721
37 cophico 73 18,048
38 reivaxbd 73 18,691
39 arnalineookherstelling 72 19,691
40 phil100553 72 1,929
41 saint-nicolaas 72 22,631
42 magicsaleman 70 46,220
43 gibeteam52 70 10,872
44 pc-sistem 70 13,317
45 chendyiyan_ez4cc 69 2,241
46 pos-traders 69 10,759
47 colinef2007 68 12,771
48 scham74 67 7,264
49 herrdoktorkoen 66 35,521
50 littlenemo1000 62 5,179
51 sudie_40 61 2,878
52 lucvca 60 6,771
53 miguelmat 60 7,894
54 gpro1955 58 3,606
55 beetlesdundee 58 26,486
56 aviafan 57 2,185
57 go4book 57 15,263
58 fil_mag 57 82,471
59 encouter1961 56 11,182
60 grgorchintinn0 54 1,396
61 bedecouverte 54 46,461
62 sprangel1 53 9,891
63 bestbalsakits.modeling 53 21,343
64 encetempsla-0 52 3,826
65 guyvs 52 30,921
66 weskcar 52 3,711
67 buyernde 51 2,732
68 hobby-association-belgium 50 1,307
69 music0s 50 5,211
70 gibenteam 49 27,469
71 artsdismodels 48 7,804
72 yatoo-team 48 21,995
73 totalchaos10 47 5,883
74 miniboutik-bxl 46 4,008
75 patsjenko 46 10,902
76 lacitedesnuages 46 36,684
77 dreammaker07 45 1,464
78 estefab 44 2,634
79 rarersatz 44 5,698
80 blancheaurore6230 43 874
81 fonsdevleeschouwer 42 815
82 izzydizzy28 42 7,746
83 philippecollection 41 10,657
84 starwarsdepot-ordre66 40 22,201
85 lucperronm 38 3,564
86 e_v_a333 38 2,877
87 julien_lamoral 38 4,535
88 rafc4life 38 20,494
89 mid_belgium 38 16,731
90 bierkartjes 37 12,944
91 goupil_1977 36 2,470
92 jac-dru 36 13,160
93 kooits 34 1,568
94 deluxevideogames 33 5,294
95 mvcmultimedia 33 831
96 ex-librio 33 7,981
97 cetlacleotrouvetout 33 5,622
98 pitisa1912 32 9,738
99 vinsaiki 32 6,441
100 dany_the_avenger 31 39,841